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Sunday, June 21, 2009

zon level choral competition

Aishah (our conducter)

another Aieshah

Really, really happy..we got champion for the zon keramat competition, n suceeded to go in finals!! we go CBN!! we reached school at about 7 o'clock to practice one more round. We took a bus to go to setiawangsa. we were group number 5, so after group 4 we have a 20 min break. Mel n aishah were reminding us about our choral things. (sry it's a secret) But 2 bad that we made some minor mistakes at the end. Aishah was dissapointed n so were we. We were praying sooo hard about this..thank GOD. We were superrr happy wen they announce that we were champion for the zon. We even shoutted on top of our lungs. Some even cried. Aishah too, got the 'best conduncter' prize. 3rd place went to SMK Setiawangsa, 2nd goes to St John. we performed again cause we were the champion n went back to skul happily. Everyone were superrr happy. CBN, we can be the champion during the finals.. WE GO CHORAL SPEAKERS. WE ROCK CBNers!!